Lark of my heart...

hello, i'm claire!!

aspiring artist and writer, huge nerd, bookworm, and lover of all things cozy!

currently feeling:
pretty good...!


*after searching through the web, you find a lush garden filled with vibrant flowers and a thick layer of clover across the ground. upon following the stepping stone path, you reach a small cottage with a woman sitting on the patio. she sips her tea before she notices you, and begins to speak...*

well, hello there, fair traveler! it seems you have stumbled across my abode. this secluded place goes by the name of clover's keep! take a look around, maybe you'll find something you like...

cloverkeep is (going to be...) a little haven for the things that i love and enjoy! from shows and movies to games both board and video to books and plushies and everything and anything, i will include it if i like it. enjoy your stay, even if it is sparse for now... :D

*you wonder how she said the emoticon aloud...*


  1. 09/18/24: got rid of the music since i felt it was a just a little too much after sitting with it... probably going to stop daily updates from this point out! i love coding but i can get a little overzealous hehe
  2. 09/17/24: added music to my page!! there'll be a different song for every page :D i have also decided to add links to my other places online (though they are very sparse) you can find the links down below!!
  3. 09/16/24: made the new page! also changed a few images
  4. 09/15/24: fiddled around with some images/formatting, mostly new additions. had an idea for a new page to work on...
  5. 09/14/24: made the site!!

where else to find me...


toyhouse! in the dark and say you love me!